Mog’s Favorite Gifts for Cats
My cat, Mog, is spending his first Christmas in our home. He is seven years old, but his previous family did not celebrate Christmas. Mog has been pouring over all the Christmas catalogs that come in the mail, and he is excited to make a Christmas list of all sorts of gifts cats love!
Our cats are members of the family. They want to participate in the joy of the holidays. Don’t let your kitty feel left out! Show him how much he is loved!
If you need a gift for that special cat in your life, take a look at Mog’s list of the best gifts for cats.
Photo property of the author. All rights reserved.
Mog’s Favorite Gift for Cats – Window Sill Cat Bed
Looking at this window sill bed made Mog drool all over the page. He wants one of these. No, make that three of these, really bad! One for the living room, one for the bedroom and one for the kitchen.
Cats love to look out the window and Mog is no exception. He hopes Santa will bring him, and all good kitties, one or more cozy cat window perches.
K&H Kitty Sill Deluxe Bolster Cat Bed, 14-Inch by 24-Inch, Tan Kitty PrintCheck Price
This is a sturdy shelf with great reviews from both cats and their humans. No tools required. Can hold the heaviest cats, or even multiple kitties at the same time.

Num Num and His…
Gordon Hutchings
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Mog’s Other Favorite Gift – A Giant Cat Tree
Looking at cat trees made Mog wiggle a bit and make peculiar noises deep in his throat. He is suggesting to Santa that we take down that weird plastic tree in the corner with all the lights and balls on it, and replace it with something practical like this cat tree. Right there by the living room picture window would be the perfect place! Hurry Santa! These are on sale!
Armarkat B6802 68-Inch Cat Tree, IvoryCheck Price
What great reviews on this cat tree! It is tall, but does not have a big footprint, so it can fit into a smaller space. Great for those in apartments or condos. Stable and easy to clean. This one pleases both cats and humans!
Mog’s Third Favorite Gift – A Heated Cat Bed
Anyone else detecting a pattern here? Looks like old Mog is jonesing for beds this Christmas! Well, he is cruising into middle age at seven. I guess we’ll cut him some slack.
At middle age, some of Mog’s joints and muscles might begin to ache, especially during cold weather. He would appreciate having a place to go and get warm. He thinks this cozy bed looks like just the Cat’s Meow!
K&H Thermo-Kitty Heated Cat Bed, 16-Inch, SageCheck Price
The thermostat holds the bed to 15 degrees above room temperature. Orthopedic foam base. Great reviews on this particular bed. I recommend it without hesitation!
A Yummy Gift – Fancy Feast Gourmet Cat Food
Mog loves this cat food! My grandmother started the family tradition of buying the kids cases of their favorite food. Mog thinks even though my grandmother is watching us from Heaven now, that she had a fantastic idea. A case of grilled seafood variety would float his boat. He thinks this is a great gift for cats!
Fancy Feast Wet Cat Food, Grilled, Seafood Feast Variety Pack, 3-Ounce Can, Pack of 24Check Price
A terrific treat for kitties! Check the fantastic reviews! If your cat could talk, he would say buy me some Fancy Feast! Mog is a seafood man, but your cat might prefer chicken. That’s available too.
A Favorite Stocking Stuffer – The Best Catnip
Mog is planning to hang a stocking for Santa this year, and he is really hoping that the big guy is going to bring him some of this catnip. Every kitty needs something awesome in the toe of his or her stocking, and this catnip is the piece de resistance. Your cat is wishing for a gift of some of this potent catnip!
Sojos Certified Organic CatnipCheck Price
This is a gift that will keep your kitty happy. Check the great reviews. Cats love this stuff! And what a bargain!
Mog Needs a Stocking for His Gifts
Christmas Stocking Plaid Cat 19Check PriceGood Dog/Good Cat Christmas Stocking (Good Cat Stocking, 17Check PriceCat Paw Christmas StockingCheck Price

Num Num and His…
Gordon Hutchings
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Stocking Stuffers for the Kitty’s Sock
KONG Naturals Crinkle Ball with Feathers Cat Toy, Colors Vary, 2-PackCheck PriceCat Dancer 301 Cat Charmer Interactive Cat ToyCheck PriceSmartyKat Crackle Chute Cat Toy Collapsible TunnelCheck Price