Sometimes it is difficult to come up with something to make Mom feel special, especially if you don’t have a large budget to spend. Here are some ideas that only cost a few dollars, yet Mom will feel like a million dollars. Each of these ideas can be used more than once and the Keepsake […]
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Modern MOMents Mother’s Day Journal Gift
Mother’s Day is just around the corner…are you ready, my friends? My mom (probably like most other moms), loves those “trip-down-memory-lane” kind of gifts. But, let’s face it – I don’t have all of the time in the world, and a well-thought out (not to mention well-executed) sentimental gift just isn’t happening in my life […]
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DOGEARED Love Necklaces for Mother’s Day
Sometimes the simplest gifts are the best way to show your love. DOGEARED necklaces are lightweight and provocatively simple, with great meaning behind each one. Featured on this page are a selection of unique DOGEARED love necklaces that are perfect gifts for Mother’s Day, although this selection is only a small portion of the many […]
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Homemade Mother’s Day Clay Plaque Tutorial
Mother’s Day is a day to let mom know you love and appreciate her and everything she does. Nothing makes a mom happier than receiving a special handmade gift from her child. Whether it be a colorful tissue paper bouquet, a pretty colored picture, macaroni necklace, or whatever, a gift made by your own child […]
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The Best Handmade Mother’s Day Gifts
With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, it’s time to start thinking about that special gift. If you want to find a gift that is unique and a little more special than a mass produced item, consider something handmade. This doesn’t mean that you yourself have to make something, but rather purchase something that has been handcrafted […]